Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Church Parish, Archdiocese of Dubuque
Angelo Architectural Associates, LLC
Services Provided
General Contractor
Renovaton and addition of an existing 99 year old country parish
Expanded parish hall and narthex spaces, upgraded HVAC systems including air conditioning, designed for future expansion of the nave, updated finishes in existing spaces
Thammavong Artworks, in association with Metro Arts Alliance of Greater Des Moines
Thammavong Artworks
Services Provided
The 50 foot long sculpture, entitled "Birds of a Feather," hangs from the ceiling in the baggage claim area of the Des Moines International Airport.
It is led by a painted metal gold finch with an 8 foot wingspan. The finch is trailed by over 2,000 small birds that were painted by families during the Des Moines Arts Festival
The Robert W. Mickle Neighborhood Resource Center turned an outdated 1960 era, unused kitchen space into a vibrant, fully equipped community kitchen that is now available to chefs, caterers, and food entrepeneurs who have an occasional, or reoccuring need for a commecial kitchen.
This kitchen is thought to be the largest "Shared Use" commercial kitchen in the state. Users must be trained in food safety, and certified by the Mickle Center prior to having access to the kitchen.
Winner of 8 Awards including National Preservation Honor Award
The project consisted of a full renovation of the 1896 Opera House, adjacent Hetherington, and adjacent single story building. A 2 story addition was added to the back of the buildings that serves as the new lobby, restrooms, and elevator space